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SARAMC's trials and tribulations as a beginning wine maker.

Entries in this blog

Been Hectic In My Household!

Well, my intentions of a daily entry has gone out with the dishwater (wait, I don't do dishes!!).   Last week, my husband ends up in the ER, then admitted to the hospital for 4 days. Finally got him home this past Saturday, back to the doctor on Monday only to be told that they wanted to re-admit him. Our 20 year old son is home from Iraq where he is stationed with his ARMY unit...goes back on the 21st. SOOO, the surgeon agreed as long as the MRI the next day was "okay" they would hold off



First Batch A Sweet Success ... Well I Think It Is!

I just finished breaking into a bottle of my first attempt at wine making, and poured a glass of sweet concord. The color, a crystal clear pinky purple ... I need to look at a color chart to actually find the color that even begins to identify. The smell is fruity, yet there is an undertone that I cannot identify. It is not sulphur, not acetone-like ... don't know what it is. Could it be due to the fact that I used Montrachet yeast and this was a quickly made wine? Probably. BUT, the re



Why Quel Che Sara Sara?

Thank you for taking a moment to check my blog "Quel Che Sara Sara: My Attempts at Wine Making". I decided on the name because it means "whatever will be, will be" and as a beginning wine maker that is sometimes how you feel. In fact, sometimes in life you feel that way. But, with the help of the fellow members of this forum your wine making adventures don't have to end up as an experiment gone awry. You have a wealth of information at your fingertips and if you cannot find the answer



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