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Been Hectic In My Household!



Well, my intentions of a daily entry has gone out with the dishwater (wait, I don't do dishes!!).


Last week, my husband ends up in the ER, then admitted to the hospital for 4 days. Finally got him home this past Saturday, back to the doctor on Monday only to be told that they wanted to re-admit him. Our 20 year old son is home from Iraq where he is stationed with his ARMY unit...goes back on the 21st. SOOO, the surgeon agreed as long as the MRI the next day was "okay" they would hold off on re-admitting until after my son boarded the plane. Back to surgeon on the 21st and plans to be in hospital right after that.


I spent all but about an hour a day at the hospital...hubby was a bit delirious. Had enough time to get my raspberry melomel under airlock, stir the skeeter pee and check SG levels. I report the skeeter pee is still happily bubbling away but it will go under airlock today. The raspberry melomel had an attack of rotten eggitis, which I cured by gently racking it over some super sterile old copper pennies...was the only copper I had in the home.


So, not much in my Adventures of Wine Making lately. OH, but I did win a give-away offered by Twisted Mist...for friending TikiMan on Facebook....one Strawberry kit on its way! smileycheers.gif



Until next time.....

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I think a nice IV of WildFlower Mead should do your husband good.


Also, thanking your son for his service to this great country of ours!

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