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First Batch A Sweet Success ... Well I Think It Is!



I just finished breaking into a bottle of my first attempt at wine making, and poured a glass of sweet concord.

The color, a crystal clear pinky purple ... I need to look at a color chart to actually find the color that even begins to identify.

The smell is fruity, yet there is an undertone that I cannot identify. It is not sulphur, not acetone-like ... don't know what it is. Could it be due to the fact that I used Montrachet yeast and this was a quickly made wine? Probably. BUT, the remaining 4 bottles are in cold storage in my basement and there they will remain for at least another 90 days MINIMUM.

The flavor is SWEET. Too sweet for even me. But I suspect that more time in the cellar and it will balance out. If not, it is still a decent wine and I could always use it to top off other batches in progress.


I am going to consult my WinePress forum friends and see what they think about my outcome thus far.


I will take a picture of it soon, so you can see how pretty I think it is!


Cheers, Sara smileycheers.gif


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