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Why Quel Che Sara Sara?



What do you use to make your wine?  

291 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you use to make your wine?

    • Grapes from my own vines or fruit I grow.
    • Grapes / fruit I purchase at a nearby vineyard / orchard.
    • I buy juice from a winery.
    • I use conentrate "kits".
    • I use frozen concentrates from the supermarket.
    • I use what ever I can find around the house.

Thank you for taking a moment to check my blog "Quel Che Sara Sara: My Attempts at Wine Making". I decided on the name because it means "whatever will be, will be" and as a beginning wine maker that is sometimes how you feel. In fact, sometimes in life you feel that way.

But, with the help of the fellow members of this forum your wine making adventures don't have to end up as an experiment gone awry. smileycheers.gif You have a wealth of information at your fingertips and if you cannot find the answer you are seeking you have only to post your inquiry and VOILA! someone will answer.

I decided to start a blog where I can share my adventures in wine making. My plans, progress, problems(and solutions), and end results. I initially became interested in wine making after befriending a local vintner & his wife & family. They took me under their wing when I expressed an interest in the going-on's at their vineyard & winery (Wight-Meyer Vineyard & Winery in Shepherdsville, KY). I can label, cork, bottle; I have helped with the crushing/destemming, scoped out the tons of fresh grapes, inhaled the smells from the must (perfume to me) and can even operate their tasting room on my own! This year I hope to do all of the same but add to it working with the vines, learning about pruning, growing, netting, maintaining, etc.

Being at the winery you meet many other amateur wine makers. And I decided to give it a try. I can cook with the best of them, I understand chemistry. I decided to start with the most basic, a concord made from frozen Welch's grape juice concentrate. Yes, that same recipe from the 70's where you put a balloon over the top of a gallon jug. Though since I am allergic to latex I opted for an airlock and hydrometer! I am glad to say that my concord has been sweetened/stabilized and is sitting pretty in bottles, so clear you can read newspaper through the bottle.

Right now I am making my wine by the gallon, while I accumulate larger carboys. Other wines in progress are a simple peach wine made from a WonderWine kit (will be interested to see how that turns out--everything was a powder and says ready in 8 weeks. Kind of scared); Joe Mattioli's Ancient Orange Mead; Chocolate-Strawberry Jam Wine; Boysenberry Jam Wine; Crabapple-Quince Jam Wine. I would like to create a post about each of these wines, with details and photos as time allows. But you have to start somewhere!

Regardless, welcome to my humble blog and I appreciate your interest in my adventures.


Cheers ;) ...Sara


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