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Making the Adjustment



My ability to make wine at home is not a central issue in our current times just as this blog post is neither “Journal of the Plague Year” or “Love in the Time of Cholera.” 

It did make me realize how closely related are my excitement about making wine and the social activity around it.  Often, I will rack and bottle wine by myself, but I almost always have company for crushing and pressing and there is usually a crowd around and a meal.  The first wine I made, from a kit if I remember correctly, prompted a neighborhood bottling party.  Our neighbor Steve, who went on in life to join a group of first-class winemakers, was our corker.  We had a fellow about eight year’s old with a hair dryer shrinking the neck capsules and an assortment of people putting on labels.  Earlier, soliciting ideas for labels, we got suggestions that included “Jeff’s Jammy Juice” and a crowd-pleaser, “Basement Bounty.”

Years later I was trying to identify a wine to submit to the Winemaker Magazine’s international contest. Again, we filled the house with people and they were invited to sample several wines and classify them as “Send it” (to the contest,) “Blend it” (with another wine) or “Upend it.” There was a stainless steel bucket for the last classification.  One friend, trying a wine, commented that he would like the red wine better if it were “plummier.”  I agreed with him until he suggested that I actually put some plums in it.   One useful take away from this event was the notion that blending wines can contribute new strengths to a finished wine and a level of complexity.

Working at a friend’s vineyard years ago, wine and people were completely entwined.  My wife and I would get there in the morning with bread, pasta, sauce and salad and I would help with chores.  During the morning, other friends and our kids would arrive with their children.  In the middle of the day, someone would put on the pasta and the sauce and we would have a dinner with really good wine – sometimes with 12 people or more.  Chefs from throughout New York would stop by and on one occasion, the owner invited a group of rabbit hunters to join us.

This year, we’ll make wine but the occasion will have more solemnity than usual but I’m still able to periodically put a bottle on all the neighbors’ porches and keep the spirit alive.  Stay well.


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